Sunday, January 20, 2008

Club Do

Thought I would take this opportunity to say 'what a good do' the annual dinner was, and to thank the organisers!

Also, whilst I'm making my first contribution to this site can I thank those members who have sent their subs in and kindly remind those that haven't (as yet), that subs are due. I look forward to receiving yours asap.

Thanks Anne (Membership Secretary)


Trudy said...

I really enjoyed it too! I think we need some dancing next year...I'm serious! see you soon Anne

Pete Richards said...

Maybe we could have a do in the Summer (after an inter club relay?) with dancing. We have had Caleighs in the past which have been a good laugh or are you thinking of some other form of dancing?.


Trudy said...

Caleigh's are always good fun. A summer club do would also be good. Haven't you had BBQs in the past? I was thinking about a regular 'Christmas do' style dinner and dance really. Maybe on the same day as Buttermere Sailbeck as hopefully a lot of Kes AC members will be around for the race, however, everyone might be too tired for dancing! I'll put my thinking cap on... t

Dunc Overton said...

We had a summer pig roast BBQ the year before last, with bar, Treasure Hunt (sort of), & the works. We had over 50 there if I remember rightly. Couldn't do one last year as we were expecting the builders any time. Maybe we are due another one in the good weather we are going to get this year??
Anyone know when that will be?