Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lochaber Marathon

There is a Keswick women's team in the Lochaber Marathon on Sunday 15th April 2012. The team consists of Julie Carter, Hazel Davies, Siobhan Brewer and me (Sam Ayers). If anyone else would like to join us, it would be great to have you along.

As part of the build up, Hazel and I will be doing the following races:
  1. Sun 22nd Jan: Inskip Derby Arms 1/2 M (near Preston)
  2. Sun 29th Jan: Chernobyl 10K (near Preston)
  3. Sun 12th Feb: Keswick Buttermere Round
  4. SunMarch 4th: Trimpell 20

Some of these races will be done at marathon pace rather than the correct race pace for that distance. Others will be used as a 'quality sandwich', e.g. for the 10K, we're likely to do something like a 5 mile warm up before the race, followed by a similarly long cool down. This makes a long run of around 16 miles far less daunting and a lot more interesting.

If anyone would like to join us and share transport, you'd be welcome. E-mail me:

Next year... Pippa suggested getting a women's team on the championship start for the London Marathon. For this we need more women to get involved. To qualify, you need to have done one of the following in the two years preceeding the race (April 2013):

  • Completed a marathon in sub 3.15hrs or
  • Completed a half marathon in sub 1.30hrs

So if any of you who are there or there abouts... how about giving it a go?

If you're not up to that speed yet, don't worry, you could still aim to qualify for the 'Good for Age' places. Look at the following page for further details.



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