Saturday, March 23, 2013

Causey Pike Fell Race 
AS 7.2km/543m

Saturday 30th March 2013 starting at 2:00pm

Venue – Stair Village Hall,Newlands Valley, Keswick
Enter on race day - £5.00.

Please do not park on the narrow lanes around the village hall, off-road parking will be available at £3 per car and do car share if possible. It is important that we do not cause parking problems, the future of this race depends on it.


slats said...

There's a rumour going round about a course change. If so any clues?

slats said...

There's a rumour going round about a course change. If so any clues?

Pete Richards said...

Nothing has been decided yet but there will be a race. Will be circulating details asap.