Monday, November 14, 2011

Cumbria XC League 2011 race #3 results: Maryport -Sat 12th Nov


Saturday saw the third fixture in the 2011 Cumbria League take place on the playing fields at Netherhall. The Keswick AC men's and ladies teams continued a clean sweep of team wins at all races in this year's league -well done lads and lasses. Some good individual runs too.

The Cumbria County Championships, always a competitive fixture, will take place in Fitz Park on Saturday 3rd December (details), while the next fixture in the League is on Saturday 26th November at the Sheepmount, Carlisle.

Senior Men, 7200m

1. Ricky Lightfoot (Ellenborough AC) -26:43
2. Russell Maddams (Keswick AC) -27:25
3. Josh Hebson (Keswick AC) -28:24

5. Ian Davies -29:22
8. Lee Newton -31:22
12. Duncan Overton -32:59
24. Gary Hadwin -37:40
27. Chris Clark -39:10

Senior Women, 7200m

1. Pippa Maddams (Keswick AC) -30:35
2. Karen Bridge (Eden Runners) -34:19
3. Janet Kenyon (u/a) -34:39

4. Trudy Beetham 34:42
5. Sam Ayers -35:42
6. Hazel Davies -36:02
7. Helen Winskill -37:48
9. Kim Clark -39:16

Many thanks to Phil Winskill for the photo. L-R: Josh, Ricky and Russell at Maryport.

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