Thursday, November 4, 2010

The new Pacemaker

The new Pacemaker can be viewed HERE
I would very much like to know what members think about the newsletter. In particular are you happy reading it in pdf or would you prefer to have it in paper format?. Please post comments here or e-mail to ;

In the newsletter there is a link to the club's new online SHOP where you can now purchase tickets for the Annual Presentation Dinner. In future it is hoped that you will be able to renew subs etc online. Your views on this new service are also welcome.


1 comment:

Steve Hebblethwaite said...

The quality of the Pacemaker is fantastic at the moment -credit to Quentin and Sally for their hard work.

I really enjoyed reading this issue especially Hodgson/FRA relay reports by Rob Wynne, also Julie's poem is terrific too, I had a good giggle at those and great memories of those weekends.

Informative articles by Russ and John appreceated, also good to hear what is going on with juniors -the Pacemaker is a great vehicle for sharing infomation about what's happening in the club, I'd pay cost and postage to have a paper copy in the post tho, and not have to read the PDF version.
